PETA v. Wildlife In Need & Wildlife In Deed, Inc.
PETA v. Wildlife In Need & Wildlife In Deed, Inc.
2018 WL 11402834 (S.D. Ind. 2018)
November 9, 2018
Lynch, Debra McVicker, United States Magistrate Judge
The court ordered the defendants to provide contact information, unredacted copies of the Animals on Hand form(s) and spreadsheets, unredacted copies of the USDA license renewal application forms, and full and complete information and records pertaining to Big Cats. The court also ordered the defendants to file an affidavit regarding their efforts in searching for and producing electronically-stored information, and to show cause why an entry of default should not be made against them. The court has granted the plaintiff's motion to compel in part and taken it under advisement in part.
Additional Decisions
No. 4:17-cv-00186-RLY-DML
United States District Court, S.D. Indiana, New Albany Division
Filed November 09, 2018
Asher Smith, Pro Hac Vice, Peta Foundation, Washington, DC, Brian W. Lewis, Paul T. Olszowka, Barnes & Thornburg, LLP, Chicago, IL, Caitlin Hawks, Pro Hac Vice, Peta Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, Gabriel Zane Walters, Pro Hac Vice, Peta Foundation, Washinton, DC, for Plaintiff.Daniel J. Card, Pro Hac Vice, Daniel Card Law, LLC, Oklahoma City, OK, for Defendant Jeffrey L. Lowe.
Lynch, Debra McVicker, United States Magistrate Judge
Order on Motion to Compel and Requiring Each Defendant to Show Cause Why an Entry of Default Should not be Entered
*1 The court has addressed before the defendants’ failures to comply with discovery requests and with the court's discovery orders. It held a hearing on April 26, 2018, to address the defendants’ failures to comply with discovery. The court took under advisement the extent to which it would allow the plaintiff to inspect the defendants’ business premises and business and personal electronic devices and the extent of sanctions. The court made it clear that its decisions on these matters would be influenced by the defendants’ behavior in ameliorating their prior discovery failures and their compliance with discovery obligations in the future. The court reminded the defendants that it had overruled or found forfeited all objections (except privilege objections) to certain of the plaintiff's discovery requests, and required them to supplement their answers and document production as to the “highlighted” discovery requests by June 15, 2018. The court also ordered the defendants to provide written answers and documents by June 15, 2018, with respect to the non-highlighted requests. See May 8, 2018 Entry and Order from Show Cause Hearing, Dkt. 113.
Plaintiff People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Inc. (“PETA”) has filed a motion to compel because of the defendants’ failures to comply with the court's directives. The court agrees with PETA that the defendants continue to defy the court's orders and shirk their discovery obligations. The court's review of the record makes clear that, at a minimum, the following information and/or documents remain to be disclosed or produced. Discovery must be supplemented, as noted below. Further, each defendant is required to show cause why an entry of default should not be made against it, her, or him. A show cause response must (1) state whether and when the discovery supplementation, outlined below, was accomplished; (2) include the certification regarding searches of electronic devices, also as outlined in this order; and (3) explain why default should not be entered.
Discovery Supplementation
The defendants must by December 7, 2018:
• provide contact information (name, address, and telephone number) for staff and volunteers at Wildlife who provided any services between January 1, 2017, and the present;
• produce unredacted copies of the Animals on Hand form(s) and spreadsheets;
• produce unredacted copies of the USDA license renewal application forms;
• provide full and complete information and records pertaining to lions, tigers, and hybrids, including cubs (hereafter referred to as “Big Cats”) that ever were since January 1, 2011, or are currently, in their possession, custody, or control, including by:
- providing full and complete answers to Interrogatories 6 and 7
- producing all documents relating to the Big Cats, including animal care or husbandry records, feeding records, documents relating to veterinary care (including veterinary inspection certificates), documents relating to declawing, and documents relating to the sale, purchase, acquisition, transfer, transport, donation, trade, or other disposition of the Big Cats
*2 - producing all photographs and videos of the Big Cats (except those photographs that are framed and serve as décor), including any taken during USDA inspections, public events and displays of Big Cats, or during any veterinary treatment of Big Cats, and including pictures and videos contained on Wildlife's Facebook page[1] and those that have been sent by the defendants to others via text, computer, or other electronic method
- producing all veterinary records relating to the Big Cats[2]
The court reminds the defendants that their searches for and production of documents must include electronically-stored information, whether stored on or accessed via a computer, phone, other electronic device, or the cloud. The defendants’ statements that they have searched electronic sources are not credible in light of the paucity of electronically-stored information that they produced.
Certification Regarding Searches of Electronic Information
Because of the court's continued concern that the defendants have not properly searched for electronically-stored information, the court requires each of the defendants to file with their show causes responses, by December 7, 2018, an affidavit made under the penalties for perjury regarding the party's efforts in searching for and producing electronically-stored information.
Each affidavit must provide the following information, under oath: (1) the identity of all computers or communication/electronic storage devices (e.g., phone, tablet) in the defendant's possession, custody, or control at any time between January 1, 2017, and the present; (2) the email address(es) used by the defendant at any time between January 1, 2017, and the present; (3) the identity of the computer, device (e.g., cell phone, tablet), cloud, or email that was searched, and the name or names of the individual who possessed or controlled that source of information; (4) the search terms or other search protocol that were used or followed to locate responsive documents and information within each source; (5) the date, date(s), or date range(s) each source was searched; and (6) the identity of the person(s) conducting the search(es).
Show Cause Statement
By December 7, 2018, each defendant must show cause in a filed writing why an entry of default should not be made against it, her, or him based on behavior in responding to discovery and complying with the court's discovery orders. Each defendant must address his, her, or its efforts to locate and produce responsive information and compliance with the above requirements in this order under the headings “Discovery Supplementation” and “Certification Regarding Searches of Electronic Information.”
The plaintiff's motion to compel (Dkt. 133) is GRANTED IN PART AND TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT IN PART as provided in this order. The court continues to take under advisement the nature of any appropriate sanctions, including the payment of attorneys’ fees.
All ECF-registered counsel of record by email through the court's ECF system
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Charlestown, IN 47111
The court overrules the defendants’ objection that these materials are equally available to the plaintiff. The plaintiff contends, and the defendants did not rebut, that all contents of the business's Facebook account are not necessarily available to the public but may have been restricted. See Dkt. 134 at pp. 5-6.
The court notes that contrary to the Starks's representation regarding records available from Dr. Pelphrey (see responses to Requests 6 and 7, Dkt. 139-1 at p. 9), Dr. Pelphrey testified in his deposition that the records of his treatment were kept at the defendants’ place of business. See Dkt. 134-